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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Avoid Bad Influence from other Salespeople

What the new and old salesperson need to know and avoid in getting along with other salespeople. Here are some information that Dan Kennedy points out in his book Sales Success.

In just about every sales organization lurk "grizzled veterans" who, through a combination of longevity  seniority, accumulated customers or clients, manage to earn reasonably good livings even they are poor salespeople. These hangers-on make money in spite of their many bad habits. These people are extremely dangerous to the fresh enthusiastic salesperson for a number of reasons.

  • They are not fully aware of all their own counter-productive attitudes and habits, and they are capable of unintentionally contaminating others.
  • They recent hotshots who might make them look lazy, ineffective, or over-the-hill, and will consciously and subconsciously do things to put the hotshots in his or her place.
  • They do not keep up-to-date and informed on the latest sales techniques and product information, so they are likely to be sources of outdated or inaccurate information, even when they sound authoritative and knowledgeable.
  • They often have very poor personal habits, including drinking at lunch and after work on a daily basis, using foul language, and sometimes even poor personal hygiene.
  • They are cynical about people. They often call customers or clients "marks," "pigeons," and other derogatory names. you cannot succeed in selling in a big way if you are cynical about people or about your clientele. (Note that it's Ok to be realistic, just not cynical; there is a difference.)
  • They are complainers and blamer  that's how they excuse their own mediocrity. in order to succeed in selling, you must take full responsibility for every factor in the process.
Every business, every company, every organization has at least a few of these types. You will find them on the showroom floor at the car dealership, gathered around the coffee machine in the real state office, in the hall, or at sales meeting. You must not let these people contaminate you! You must not let them poison your well.

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