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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Managing the Answer; Thinking it Over

The reason very few speakers ever become top performers in Group Presentation Marketing, why very few salespeople become high performer in their fields, is because they avoid putting themselves totally on the line for instant, measurable results. In the business of selling, the most significant sales are made after the seventh or eight call-back to the customer or client. I say this has a lot more to do with the salesperson than with the customer. It is the salesperson's reluctance to push for definite results that causes this statistic.
Most salespeople like to make themselves feel good by having a lot of "almost persuaded" prospects they've working on and calling back. But it is better to have the "no" than a maybe. It is better to know where to stand quickly as possible, so that you can
move on to the next potential productive use of time. When somebody says, "Let me think about it," I suggest:
  • Let's think about it together, out loud. After all, two heads are better than one.
  • What, specifically, do you need time to think about it?
  • When someone has to think over a decision like this, it usually means he or she doesn't yet enough information with which to make a decision. Let's review what we do  know to see what may be missing.
Push to get on with it, right then.
These days, in selling services as an speaker or as a consultant, as quickly as possible you open schedule and say, "Let's see if I can even fit you in this month" or "Do you have a date in mind? Over half of mine for the rest of the year are already booked." I'm "closing" in this way from the very start.
Those who insist on thinking things over present to you just one more challenge to determine whether or not you know why you're there and whether or not you're strong enough to get what you wanted. If you are clear on your purpose-for calling someone, meeting with someone, making a presentation-you'll have a big competitive edge over most of the rest of the world. Just having a clear agenda is a big step forward! 

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