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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prospects Come C.O.D.

In the minds of most people, C.O.D stands for "cash on delivery," but in the world of prospecting, C.O.D.
has an entirely different meaning. The C stands for "communication." Every time you communicate with anybody who remotely resembles a prospect or one who might know a prospect, in some way you communicate the business you are in and your interest in sharing the excitement of what you have to offer to the prospects.
The O stands for "observation." You
watch and listen to what's going on around you, whether it's in an elevator, on a bus, in a crowded store, at a club or social gathering.
The D stands for "dedication." You need to be dedicated to the concept of making the contacts and getting those references.
Let's do a more detailed analysis of C.O.D. and see what we can learn about finding more prospects.

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