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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

LACTOBACILLI Probiotic Microorganism for Sale

1. Deodorizer  - it stops all types of bad smell including animal, human waste and any other organic matters. It is better than any available commercial deodorizer.
2. Declogger -  It declogs pipes, sinks, toilet bowl, and septic tanks. It eats away grease, oil, ammonia, phosphor and sulfur.
3. Waste Water and Organic Solid Waste Anti-Pollutant - it dissolves and digest all kinds of organic waste and convert it to nutrients.
4. Anti Harmful Bacteria - it controls and neutralize harmful bacteria like e-coli and salmonella that causes diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever and many other stomach ailments.
5. Organic Pesticide and Fertilizer - it controls harmful plant bacteria like e-coli and salmonella that causes diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever and many other stomach ailments.

It increases your plant harvest and decreases your expenses. 

Probiotic stops most plant pests specially fungus, plant virus mostly caused by insect bites.
Probiotic drives away bad insects, germs, viruses, plant pest and fungus.
Probiotic converts all decaying pollutants and decaying organic matters into plant nutrient.
Probiotic enhances foliar and fruiting, giving more tasty sweet fruits.

When you spray Probiotic to your plant it cleans and refreshes the plants.
All dirt and insects feces and eggs will be converted into plant nutrient thus controlling
the start of possible pest outbreak.

1 . Dilute 1 liter of Probiotic to 20 liters (one back pack sprayer) of non chlorinated water.
Stir well then spray it all over the plant. It is best to spray after sunset.
2 . You may spray your plants once a week.
3.  If there is a sign of a pest outbreak it is best to spray everyday for 1 week.

We sell product containing probiotics. You can text or email us.
Mobile number: 09175015680

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