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Thursday, April 18, 2013


  However , regardless of how good your closing skills, your product, your ability to handle objections, your
presentation, or your skills at determining wants and needs, you are out of business if you don't have a prospect! The consensus among outstanding salespeople and sales trainers is almost unanimous: Prospecting is the most important key to sales success! Without prospects you are disqualified as a sales professional-done before you even get started. It is true that a journey of a thousand leagues begins with but a single step, and it is equally true that until you have a prospect, you have no chance of making
a sale.
  Someone once facetiously remarked, "The only problem with making a sale is the fact that you just lost your best prospect!" Obviously, this is true, but when you replace that prospect with several one, you have actually won twice.
  Without prospects, you are out of business. With prospects, the professional salesperson has a chance to change the world-starting with your own! So let's look at this most important area of sales-prospecting!

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