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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sales Observation

  Suppose you're brand-new. You're reading this article and your sample kit on the same day, and you don't
have Prospect Number One. Where do you start? Answer: You begin by opening your eyes and observing everything around you! You will notice that in your office there are customer files with which you can begin working. Chances are excellent that your trainer and your company will be willing and anxious to share this information with you so you can start making those contracts on the service-and-referral concept as your beginning point.

  Beware of the most common "rookie" error: incorrect activity. As important as it is for you to be reading this article, if you are doing so in a time period where it is possible to be face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) with a prospect, you are making an error in judgement. In my "observation" of successful sales professionals, each makes excellent use of time. Each tast yields the desired outcomes. If your primary goal is to make sales, then get with a prospect. read during downtime, listen to tapes between calls or while travelling, but focus on desired outcome when making choices regarding activities.

The sales process is something you do for or with the prospect, not to the prospect.

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